Commercial & partnerships

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Our commercial & partnership work

We provide a range of specialist services for vulnerable groups including supported accommodation for homeless and those with complex needs. We also boast a range of programmes that meet the needs of the most isolated individuals, including Bridges Tameside domestic abuse service, Inspire troubled families team, ROOTS (supported tenancies for high-risk offenders) and the ‘Great Opportunities Programme’ which provides support into training and employment.

We have a strong track record of providing personalised employment support both for our own tenants and others who are furthest from the jobs market. The ‘Building Better Opportunities’ Programme, which we deliver in partnership with a number of other housing providers under the banner of Motiv8, works across Greater Manchester and includes working with key delivery partners.

Our services are funded via a variety of mechanisms including commissioned contracts and dedicated grant sourcing. In addition, the Group benefits from profits made by New Charter Building Company’s contract work, which is recycled to finance our ‘More Than Just Housing’ sustainable neighbourhoods philosophy. This is focused on supporting vulnerable households groups, helping residents and their families to train and employment as well as health initiatives that support community groups in our areas of operation.

Why work with us
  • We are reliable and well-managed – as  a large social housing business subject to statutory regulation, the performance of our board and senior management is subject to particular scrutiny
  • We are embedded within local strategic networks, particularly in terms of Local Authorities, health, wellbeing and skills & employment.
  • We have experience in a range of areas from working with vulnerable individuals to securing employment for those furthest from the job market
  • As a large employer (approximately 1,400 members of staff) we are significant contributors to local economy in terms of physical investment (house building, improvement programmes, etc.) and are integral to local strategic planning
  • Our senior managers and leaders have established relationships with their counterparts in key strategic organisations, including the police, the VCSE sector, private sector businesses and the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce.
  • Over the years we’ve formed close relationships with consultants, contractors and delivery partners. This allows us to maintain high standards across everything we do, and we’ve built up an excellent reputation for customer service and satisfaction.
Tackling homelessness

With homelessness in Tameside and Greater Manchester at a record high, it is more important than ever that local authorities, housing providers and specialist service providers work together to provide innovative solutions to tackle homelessness and reduce the number of individuals and families who are sleeping rough or in temporary accommodation.

Jigsaw Group currently runs two housing advice and homelessness contracts – in Knowsley and Tameside. In both these areas we work to preventing, wherever possible, homelessness occurring, but in those cases where it does, we provide a comprehensive assessment, support and resettlement service which is responsive to the needs of clients and is aimed at preventing re-occurrence of homelessness.

We also offer advice, information and assistance to households who are already homeless or are at risk of homelessness, including resettlement support for homeless households moving into a new tenancy.

Finally, we provide a range of supported accommodation units for single homeless people in Oldham in partnership with the local authority.

Here are some examples of recent contracts that we’ve been involved in.

If you would like to work with us in order to tackle homelessness, do not hesitate to contact us via email at

Motiv8 - pathways to employment

It is being led by Manchester Athena, a partnership of housing associations working together to transform people’s lives by improving their skills, employment, health and well-being.

Over 3 years Motiv8 will support nearly 4,000 people to overcome multiple, complex needs and move them closer to training and work.

The programme has been set up thanks to £9.7 million funding from the Big Lottery Fund and European Social Fund’s Building Better Opportunities programme.

New Charter is the accountable body for the Motiv8 programme.  We provide an integrated service across Greater Manchester which aligns with the priorities of devolution whilst significantly improving the lives of participants by reducing the alarming health inequalities faced by this population and overcoming the barriers to accessing universal and targeted services.

To find out more about the Movi8 programme visit their website.

Maintaining independence

Maintaining a degree of independence is a fundamental part of life for most regardless of age or circumstances. We offer support and guidance so that people can maintain control over their lives in often challenging personal environments.

We forge partnerships with various agencies and initiatives, enabling us to focus on people’s skills and talents, helping them to develop and maintain connections with friends and family. Local communities are encouraged and supported to reach out to those at risk of social isolation. Together, we can enable people to access support, including better housing options, keeping them active and independent.

By implementing preventative actions we can reduce social isolation and help people – including those living in temporary accommodation – to connect with their local communities.

Click on the links below to see examples of the work we do to help people maintain their independence.

For more information about how you can work with Jigsaw Group to help people maintain their independence, contact 

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