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Applying for a transfer

As an existing tenant, if you want to apply to move home, there are just three simple steps to follow:

Step 1 – Checking you can apply to move.

  • Tenants who are not meeting their current tenancy agreement, e.g. not paying their rent or causing anti-social behaviour will not be able to apply to move until these problems are being addressed.
  • If you do not have a “need” to move, you will not qualify to join the transfer scheme.
  • If you can’t register on the transfer scheme, you will be given advice on any other housing options that may be available to you.

Step 2 – Applying and ‘bands’.

If you’re already a Jigsaw Homes Tameside tenant and want to move, you’ll only have to fill in a short application form. You will be placed into a ‘band’ depending on your housing need, with Band 1 being the highest priority:

Band 1

  • Assisting those suffering domestic abuse or racial harassment
  • Assisting ex armed forces personnel with suitable homes
  • High Medical or Welfare: The condition of your home is affecting your health so seriously that it is, or could become, life-threatening, or
    –  You have a disability that is long-term and your accommodation restricts your mobility so much that you can’t carry out most day to day tasks.
    –  You have a condition that means you are at risk of admission to hospital or residential care because there are critical safety concerns in your current accommodation.

Band 2

  • Over-crowding in current tenancy
  • Relationship Breakdown
  • Medical or Welfare: You have been assessed on medical or welfare grounds for needing to be rehoused, but don’t meet the high medical or welfare criteria as described in Band 1, or your accommodation is inadequate because it is affecting the well being of a person who is disabled or in ill-health.

Band 3

  • Under-occupancy of current tenancy

Step 3 – Bidding on available properties.

You will be able to bid on available properties on our website, in our hubs or by phone (by calling 0161 331 2000). Applications will be prioritised by which band they are in and by the date they were registered in that band.  Each week, some of our available homes are reserved just for existing tenants wanting to transfer.  For these homes, our tenants are given priority before any other applicants.

If you are registered with us but haven’t bid on a property in the last 12 months, we will assume you don’t currently need to move and will take you off our list. However, when you do need to move you will be welcome to re-apply.


Ready to apply?

To apply to our transfer scheme, please complete the form below:

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