Guidance for Domestic CCTV systems, including Doorbell Cameras

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Guidance on owning CCTV, including a doorbell camera

Data protection laws will not apply to you if your system only captures images within the boundaries of your private domestic property, including your garden.

However, if your system captures images of people outside of your private domestic property, for example, in your neighbours’ gardens, shared spaces or on a public footpath/street. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA18) will
apply to you.

If you are installing one, we recommend informing your neighbours so that they can be confident that their properties will not be recorded and what you will do with any images that are captured.

The following link will take you to a website with more thorough information on how to use domestic CCTV systems and information in data subject rights: Click here

Anyone filmed outside the property line has legal data rights, including the right to get a copy of the footage and have it erased.

A data subject can file a complaint with the ICO and seek redress through the courts if there is a security breach or misuse of the footage.

Useful information

If you’re unhappy about the use of a home CCTV system you can use the ICOs online tool to determine the best course of action in your situation.

Here are some useful links that explain your rights.

CCTV/doorbell camera poster


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