We’re pleased to announce that following a recent refresh of our Jigsaw Homes Group website we are looking at channelling services from our landlord websites to www.jigsawhomes.org.uk
From April 2025, all website visitors to midlands.jigsawhomes.org.uk, north.jigsawhomes.org.uk and tameside.jigsawhomes.org.uk will be automatically redirected to our parent website www.jigsawhomes.org.uk.
Why the Change?
We’ve made this change as part of our commitment to continually improve your experience of our website services.
A single website will allow for greater control over the consistency of information and functionality improvements, all while keeping the interface and experience you’re familiar and comfortable with.
A recent Jigsaw Rewards survey with residents from our group members found it was easy and/or very easy to access key services and accessibility options on our group website.
What You Need to Know
No Action Required: If you visit our old site, you will be automatically redirected to www.jigsawhomes.org.uk. All bookmarks and links to our site will still work seamlessly.
Same Services, Same Look: You can expect the same features, design, and content you know and trust. This change will not impact your experience or any of the services you currently use.
Contacting Jigsaw: All our contact details, telephone numbers, email addresses and payment services will remain the same so you don’t need to worry about any changes in communications with Jigsaw.
We’re looking forward to continuing to serve you online!