
Customer Feedback | 06/06/2023
Customer Feedback Update: Q4 January – March 2023

We are always keen to hear your feedback as this helps us to learn and understand areas where we are delivering services well and areas where we can improve. Dissatisfaction…

Gardens & Allotments, General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 30/05/2023
Jigsaw Group Gardening Competition Now Open!

Do you have a creative garden, yard, window box, lawn or hanging basket? Whether you have a huge garden, a collection of tubs on your balcony/patio or a shared space…

General | 25/05/2023
Jigsaw Foundation Kicks Off with Funding for Children’s Football Sessions

Community group MyColdhurst has been awarded £3,000 from the Jigsaw Foundation to deliver professional football coaching sessions for young people aged 6 to 15 in Oldham.

General | 25/05/2023
Into the Cardboard Cosmos

An interactive play was performed by the Stute Theatre for more than 200 children and residents across Tameside to enjoy.

General | 25/05/2023
Book Bench Unveiled at Coppull Library as Thanks to Jigsaw Homes

Coppull Library gave a special thank you to Jigsaw Homes for Jigsaw’s continued support by unveiling a creative book bench for Chorley residents to enjoy.

Neighbourhood | 23/05/2023
Book Bench Unveiled at Coppull Library as Thanks to Jigsaw Homes

Coppull Library gave a special thank you to Jigsaw Homes for Jigsaw’s continued support by unveiling a creative book bench for Chorley residents to enjoy.

Jigsaw Group News | 22/05/2023
Housing 2023 Jobs Fair – Thursday 29 June

For all those looking for a career with purpose. The housing jobs fair will bring together the largest recruiters in the region and those looking for opportunities to join a long term career in a sector that supports local communities. Thursday 29 June 08:00-18:00 at Manchester Central. FREE to attend.

General | 17/05/2023
New funding for Motiv8 to support people back into work

Motiv8 has secured funds totalling £485,000 from the Department of Work and Pensions’ Flexible Support Fund to provide a much-needed lifeline for 500 people who need extra support to get back on track and into work.

General | 12/05/2023
A Coronation Fit for a King

Residents across Jigsaw’s communities joined together to celebrate King Charles III’s Coronation in style.

General | 11/05/2023
Our services on Friday 12 May 2023

We will be providing an Emergency only service this Friday 12 May 2023.  If you need to report an emergency repair during this time, please contact our emergency service on 0300 011 1144.