Category: Sustainability

Sustainability | 22/07/2024
Jigsaw Launches Latest Sustainability Strategy

Jigsaw Homes Group has launched its latest sustainability strategy, setting out the framework for how it will take action to reduce its impact on the environment.    The strategy reflects Jigsaw’s goal…

General, In Your Area, Sustainability | 13/02/2024
Energy Upgrades Underway for Hundreds of Homes

Jigsaw has started its next phase of working to improve the energy efficiency of some of its homes. It has set aside funds for these improvements as part of its…

Sustainability | 11/07/2022
£1.5m of Vital Energy Upgrades For Tameside Homes

Jigsaw Homes Group is working with energy supply and solutions provider E.ON to deliver £1.5m worth of upgrades to homes throughout Tameside to improve their energy performance. Around 90 homes…

Sustainability | 11/02/2022
Jigsaw Secures Vital Piece of Funding for Energy Upgrades to Hundreds of Homes

Jigsaw Homes Group has secured more than £1.7m to upgrade hundreds of homes throughout Greater Manchester and the East Midlands and improve their energy performance. The funding from the Social…

General, Sustainability | 17/01/2022
Big Energy Saving Week

This week (17-23 January) is the Big Energy Saving Week, a campaign led by Citizens Advice to help people manage their energy bills this winter. We know that with the…

Sustainability | 03/09/2021
Be part of it…’Be Zero’

As we aim to become a zero carbon organisation by 2050, we embarked on ‘Be Zero’, our Group’s ambitious sustainability drive.  Our activities, such as building and maintaining homes, have an impact…