
General | 03/12/2024
RESOLVED – Online payments service disruption – Tuesday 03 Dec 2024

We have been made aware by AllPay that they are experiencing issues with taking payments online, accessing the online services and Direct Debit services. 

Neighbourhood | 03/12/2024
Crowswood Community Clean-Up

Jigsaw Homes colleagues were joined by local councillors in Stalybridge for a community clean-up day across the Crowswood Estate as part of Jigsaw’s Giving Something Back days.

Neighbourhood | 02/12/2024
Supporting Fuel Poverty Awareness Day

Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Team hosted a range of events throughout our communities to support National Fuel Poverty Awareness Day.

Jigsaw Support | 26/11/2024
National Adult Safeguarding Week

Last week was National Adult Safeguarding Week (18 – 22 November) which aims to raise awareness of safeguarding; a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

Neighbourhood | 19/11/2024
Harvesting Food for Ashton Community Grocer

Children from Holy Trinity Primary School have donated much-needed food to Jigsaw’s Ashton Community Grocer, ensuring residents have better access to nutritious and low-cost groceries.

General | 15/11/2024
Essential IT Maintenance Work – 15/11/2024

Essential IT Maintenance Work 15/11/2024

General | 15/11/2024
House Exchange Aims to Ease Housing Shortage

Jigsaw partnered up with House Exchange and held an informative event in Ashton, encouraging more residents to mutually exchange their homes and find a place that best suits their needs.

Neighbourhood | 13/11/2024
Residents Upskill with Training Courses

Residents have upskilled their knowledge and gained a range of accredited qualifications thanks to training courses organised by Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Team.

Neighbourhood | 12/11/2024
Helping Residents Socialise and Stay Warm

As the winter months approach, Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement team has reopened several warm hubs across our communities to provide a safe space for residents to socialise and stay warm.

Neighbourhood | 29/10/2024
Giving Something Back in Dukinfield

Last week, Jigsaw colleagues joined forces with Tameside councillor John Taylor for another ‘Giving Something Back’ clean-up day across Dukinfield Central.