
Neighbourhood | 19/07/2021
Jigsaw to mark UK’s first ASB Awareness Week

Jigsaw Homes Group has joined a national campaign that is bringing together people and organisations from across the country to take a stand against anti-social behaviour and make communities safer….

Jigsaw Support | 05/07/2021
Jigsaw Makes a Stand Against Domestic Abuse

Jigsaw Homes Group has signed up to a national campaign to help tackle domestic abuse. The Make a Stand campaign centres around a pledge that has been developed by the…

General | 14/06/2021
Help influence the future of housing in Greater Manchester – GMHP Tenant and Stakeholder Survey

Tenants, residents, and stakeholders from across Greater Manchester have a chance to influence the future of housing in the region. As one of the Greater Manchester Housing Providers (GMHP), Jigsaw Group…

General | 01/06/2021
Telephone service restored – Tuesday 01 June 2021

Our telephone service has been restored and we are able to receive calls.  We are still monitoring systems closely but everything seems to be up and running fine. Thank you…

General | 01/06/2021
Telephone service disruption – Tuesday 01 June 2021

We are experiencing problems with our telephone lines this morning. Our engineers are aware of the problem and already working to resolve. We wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused…

General | 30/05/2021
Telephone service restored – Sunday 30 May 2021

Our telephone service has been restored and we are now able to receive calls.  Thank you for your patience and wish to apologise if you have been unable to get…

General | 30/05/2021
Telephone service disruption – Sunday 30 May

As of late last night we are experiencing problems with our telephone lines not accepting any calls. Our engineers are aware of the problem and already working to resolve. We…

General | 28/05/2021
Bank Holiday Office Closure

We will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday (31.05.2021). We will continue to operate from Tuesday 01 June 2021. If you need to report an Emergency Repair during this time,…

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 24/05/2021
You said – We Did: Our Complaints Policy

Through Jigsaw Rewards we have created a platform to allow residents to give us regular feedback on our services and plans for the future. In return for giving this feedback and…

General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 24/05/2021
£500,000 Community funding available for 2021

Our £500,000 community fund is now available for neighbourhood and community based projects! The fund supports local projects run by charities, resident and community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and…