Category: Jigsaw Support News

Jigsaw Support, Jigsaw Support News | 21/02/2025
Deputy Mayor Visits Tameside Women’s Centre

Kate Green, Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester for Safer and Stronger Communities, visited the Tameside Women’s Centre in Ashton-Under-Lyne yesterday (20 February 2025), to find out about how the centre…

Jigsaw Support, Jigsaw Support News | 25/11/2021
16 Days of Action against Domestic Abuse

Victims of domestic abuse are being encouraged to break their silence as part of an international 16 Days of Action campaign led by Public Health England. The campaign runs each…

General, Jigsaw Support, Jigsaw Support News | 04/11/2020
Jigsaw Support’s Motiv8 programme wins national award

Motiv8, the pioneering project which supports disadvantaged and vulnerable residents across Greater Manchester to overcome barriers to work, has won a national award in recognition of how it has helped…

Jigsaw Support News | 09/07/2019
Jigsaw Support launch – exciting times ahead for the Group’s support services

Wednesday 10 July sees the launch of Jigsaw Support which brings together all the Group’s existing support, homelessness, domestic abuse, community and prevention services under one umbrella. Services that are…

General, Jigsaw Support News | 03/05/2019
Pioneering homelessness service to rehouse women offenders in Greater Manchester receives national award

Jigsaw Group’s pioneering homelessness service which has helped to rehouse women offenders in Greater Manchester with zero reoffending rates has won a national award. Jigsaw Support’s Housing First was crowned…