
General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 27/03/2023
£450,000 Community funding available for 2023!

Our £450,000 community fund is now available for neighbourhood and community based projects! The fund supports local projects run by charities, resident and community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and…

General | 22/03/2023
Pupils Gifted New Uniforms

Pupils from Thomas Ashton School in Flowery Field, Hyde were gifted new school uniforms thanks to Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Team.

General | 22/03/2023
Fighting Period Poverty Every Month

Jigsaw Homes are helping to tackle period poverty by partnering up with Every Month, a Manchester-based charity providing free access to menstrual products for those struggling financially.  

General | 22/03/2023
Residents Enjoy Cuppas With Cath

Residents at Jigsaw’s sheltered scheme William Ford in Hyde are being supported to socialise more post-Covid.

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 20/03/2023
You Said We Did: Scrutinise This Website

Each year, we ask groups of residents to take a close look at how certain areas of our organisation are being run, in a process called resident scrutiny. We wanted…

General | 15/03/2023
Celebrating International Women’s Day in our Neighbourhoods

Women across Jigsaw’s neighbourhoods rallied together in a show of solidarity for International Women’s Day on 8 March.

General | 15/03/2023
Supported Housing in the Spotlight at House of Commons

Last week Jigsaw Homes’ Group Director of Support and Neighbourhoods, Donna Kelly helped launch a new research report about the value and impact of supported housing, at the House of Commons.

General | 13/03/2023
Essential telephone maintenance work – Thursday 16 March at 8.00am

We will be carrying out essential maintenance work on our telephone system from 8.00am on Thursday 16 March, which we expect to last approx. 75 minutes.

General | 08/03/2023
Telephone service disruption – Wednesday 08 March 2023

We are currently experiencing problems with our telephone lines and some calls are not coming through.
Our engineers are aware of the problem and already working to resolve.

General | 08/03/2023
Pupils Kitted Out with New Uniform

Children from Year 5 at Holy Trinity Primary School in Ashton have been gifted brand new school logo jumpers to help tackle child poverty.