
Neighbourhood | 11/05/2023
New Partnership Launches to Help People with Hoarding Disorder

Jigsaw Homes Group is part of a new partnership which has been created to help people across Tameside who are affected by hoarding behaviour and to help raise awareness of the disorder, ahead of Hoarding Awareness Week 2023.

Neighbourhood | 09/05/2023
Into the Cardboard Cosmos

An interactive play was performed by the Stute Theatre for more than 200 children and Jigsaw residents across Tameside to enjoy.

Employee News | 09/05/2023
Jigsaw Homes Signs Dying to Work Charter

Jigsaw Homes Group has signed a new charter to help support colleagues if they are diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Neighbourhood | 04/05/2023
Helping Residents Find Work at Tameside Jobs Fair

Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Team helped sponsor the Tameside Jobs Fair for Spring 2023 which was attended by over 300 people.

Neighbourhood | 03/05/2023
Celebrating Eid in Our Communities

Residents across Jigsaw’s neighbourhoods celebrated the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr last week with a host of tasty foods and fun-filled activities.

General, Neighbourhood | 02/05/2023
Breakfast Club Gives Tameside Pupils the Right Start

A new Breakfast Club has opened at a Tameside primary school, to make sure pupils can access a free, nutritious meal to start the day.

General | 26/04/2023
Bank Holiday Office Closure – 1st May 2023

We will be providing an Emergency only service on Bank Holiday (01 May 2023). Our offices will be closed during this time and will re-open as usual from Tuesday 02…

Neighbourhood | 24/04/2023
Residents Enjoy Host of Easter Activities

Residents across Jigsaw’s communities enjoyed an egg-cellent array of Easter activities over the school holidays, organised by the Neighbourhood Engagement Team.

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 20/04/2023
You Said We Did: Neighbourhood Plans Survey

This Jigsaw Rewards survey asked residents for their views on what information should be contained within the new Neighbourhood Plans. These are documents, which our Neighbourhood Engagement team use to…

General, Investor updates | 19/04/2023
We are looking for a new Chair to join our group board.

Our current Chair will be retiring from our Board later this year, and building on her success this is a unique opportunity to ensure we remain a highly successful housing provider and employer of choice.